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The Gardens at Marysville | Residents celebrating 100th birthday

Assisted Living

at The Gardens at Marysville

Weekly housekeeping, personal laundry, three delicious meals plus snacks daily, enticing events, and scheduled transportation are just the beginning. Think assisted living in Marysville is the same as a nursing home? Think again!

Benefits of Our Assisted Living in Marysville

Licensed team on-site 24 hours a day

Medication management

Ongoing monitoring of residents' health statuses

Dressing services

Bathing services

Assistance with dining needs

Behavior tracking and management

Incontinence care/

Diabetic care

Respite care available

Ambulation and escort services

Personal check-ins throughout the day in our care home

Scheduled transportation

On-site physical, occupational, and speech therapy

We Help Your Loved Ones Stay Active and Engaged

The Gardens at Marysville | Happy group of seniors
Personalized Care

Community Amenities

Outdoor walking paths

Gardening areas with raised beds


Spacious family room

Private dining room

Beauty/barber shop

Washers and dryers available for personal use

Located near shopping and fine dining

Full calendar of activities and events, such as social outings

Fully equipped fire safety and sprinkler systems

Handicap accessibility

Is it time to talk
about Assisted Living?

Take Our Quiz.

Check off the questions
that apply to your loved one.

Introducing: Art Therapy for Seniors

Our transformative art therapy program empowers older adults in Marysville to unearth their masterpieces and see the flowers of life. Discover how our signature creative experience provides senior care.

Is it time to talk
about Assisted Living?

Take Our Quiz.

Check off the questions
that apply to your loved one.

How does assisted living pricing work?

Learn about all of the quality features your new lifestyle may include.

The Gardens at Marysville | Two residents sitting outside smiling and enjoying the outdoors

The Gardens at Marysville’s
Assisted Living Care

Joining The Gardens at Marysville assisted living community means getting the help you need while retaining the independence you’re used to.

Restaurant-style dining, dedicated team members, and a variety of programming based on your interests are just a few of the advantages we offer. Our spacious apartments built for Marysville senior care have everything you need to find fun and adventure among new friends.

Book a tour at your convenience and get to know our team providing assisted living in Marysville.

We are ready when you are.

Staff and residents are very friendly and caring! I had a great visit and the community is clean and cozy. I recommend a tour and visit!”


Friend of resident

Tell The Kids You’re Going to The Gardens at Marysville for Thanksgiving!
We are open this weekend, and we're rolling out the red carpet for you to experience our community's unique blend of warmth, support, and savings.

Request a Tour this Weekend:

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