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Sterling Court at Roseville | Senior couple riding a ferris wheel

Assisted Living

at Sterling Court at Roseville

Receive the proper support and service by our dedicated team while you live life the way you desire. Think assisted living is the same as a nursing home? Think again!


Scratch-made nutritious meals three times a day

Snacks and beverages throughout the day

Housekeeping, bed linen, and maintenance services

Scheduled transportation

Pet care

Washers and dryers available for personal use

Medication assistance, administration, and management

Diabetic care

Dressing, bathing and grooming assistance

Help traveling to and from dining room/activities room/residence

Licensed nurse

On-site physical, occupational, and speech therapy

Continual monitoring of health statuses

Behavioral tracking and individualized service plans

We Help Your Loved Ones Stay Active and Engaged

Sterling Court at Roseville | Happy group of seniors
Personalized Care

Community Amenities

Relax and mingle with others beside the fireplace in the common living room area

Eat and drink in our dining room, verandah, or private dining area

Watch the game and enjoy a snack or two in our 50’s-themed cafe

Take in the scenery and pick up gardening in our landscaped courtyard

Pick a good read from the library

Watch the latest thriller or a feel-good classic during movie nights in the theater

Choose a new hairstyle in the salon/barber shop

Pick up a new hobby like visual arts

Is it time to talk
about Assisted Living?

Take Our Quiz.

Check off the questions
that apply to your loved one.

Is it time to talk
about Assisted Living?

Take Our Quiz.

Check off the questions
that apply to your loved one.

How does assisted living pricing work?

Learn about all of the quality features your new lifestyle may include.

Defining Assisted Living

Assisted living at Sterling Court at Roseville means life's a breeze for seniors!

If taking your medications, keeping up with your house, or getting around has been an issue, let our assisted living team members take care of these needs and provide you with the time to get to know other residents. We provide individualized service plans to ensure you are living life to the fullest with our full-fledged suite of services, amenities, dining, and activities.

Book a tour at your convenience and get to know our team.

We are ready when you are.

Tell The Kids You’re Going to Sterling Court at Roseville for Thanksgiving!
We are open this weekend, and we're rolling out the red carpet for you to experience our community's unique blend of warmth, support, and savings.

Request a Tour this Weekend:

We’re celebrating the spirit of gratitude
with two stuffed specials on assisted living and memory care apartments. Act now!
Fill out the form below to gobble up the savings!

We All Celebrate YOU at

Sterling Court at Roseville

Life is meant to be enjoyed, and senior living is the ultimate celebration.

Fill out the form below for unbelievable October move-in savings!​

Christmas in July

Contact us about our Christmas in July specials!

Contact us today to learn about our summer specials!

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