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The Renaissance of Florence | Resident with pumpkin sculpture

Assisted Living

at The Renaissance of Florence

Weekly housekeeping, personal laundry, three delicious meals plus snacks daily, enticing events, and scheduled transportation are just the beginning. Learn about our amenities below. 

Benefits of Our Assisted Living in Florence

Licensed nurse

Medication management

Ongoing monitoring of residents' healthcare statuses

Dressing services

Bathing services

Assistance with dining needs

Behavior tracking and management

Incontinence care/

Diabetic care

Respite care available

Ambulation and escort services

Personal check-ins throughout the day in our care home

Exciting events and outings

Opportunities to engage and socialize with other residents

We Help Your Loved Ones Stay Active and Engaged

The Renaissance of Florence | Happy group of seniors
Personalized Care

Community Amenities

Fully enclosed sunroom

Outdoor walking paths


Spacious family room

Full-service dining room

Private dining room

Beauty/barber shop

Washers and dryers available for personal use

Located near shopping and fine dining

Fully equipped fire safety and sprinkler systems

Handicap accessibility

Is it time to talk
about assisted living in Florence?

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that apply to your loved one.

Is it time to talk
about assisted living in Florence?

Take Our Quiz.

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that apply to your loved one.

How does assisted living pricing work?

Learn about all of the quality features your new lifestyle may include.

The Renaissance of Florence | Residents in the garden picking flowers

What Does Assisted Living Mean?

The Renaissance of Florence Assisted Living meets your everyday needs while encouraging socialization opportunities with other residents.

Assisted living means our medically-trained and passionate team members help you with dressing, bathing, and/or grooming while providing medication reminders and administration of those medications if needed. We are also set up to help should you have any mobility issues so you can get from A to B in our Florence assisted living community with no problem.

Book a tour at your convenience and get to know our team.

We are ready to talk about assisted living in Florence when you are.

The Renaissance of Florence changed lives in my family. I’ll never be able to repay the kindness and expert care they’ve given my parents and all of the rest of our family, as well.”


Daughter of resident

Tell The Kids You’re Going to The Renaissance of Florence for Thanksgiving!
We are open this weekend, and we're rolling out the red carpet for you to experience our community's unique blend of warmth, support, and savings.

Request a Tour this Weekend:

Savings are in the air and we’re pleased to announce, for a limited time,
Our Pick 2 Summer Promotion!

 Take occupancy by August 19, 2023 and select from any two options in the list below!

*Must take financial occupancy by 8/19/23. Not to be combined with any other offers.
*Limited to certain unit types and subject to availability. Limited to the first 4 respondents.

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